Iain's Story
I was referred to specialist personal injury solicitors through my membership with Unite the Union.
Iain entered the M & Co store in Lerwick and, as he pushed the door open with his left hand, the door slammed closed and trapped his middle left finger. He went to A&E and had stitches for a laceration.
Through Unite Legal Services, Iain was contacted by a specialist personal injury solicitor to discuss his case. Based on the information provided by Iain, his solicitor was able to proceed with a claim on his behalf.
A claim was intimated to M & Co in respect of the incident and liability was accepted by its insurance company.
Unite Legal Services arranged for Iain to be examined by a consultant in emergency medicine. The expert confirmed the injury had largely resolved within six months but Iain has been left with some loss of sensation in his finger, and scarring at the point of injury.
With Iain’s instructions, his solicitors entered into settlement discussions with the insurers and an initial offer of £6, 500 was made.
Iain rejected that offer and a counter-proposal of £7,500 was put forward and he accepted.
Iain, who is retired and had no loss of earnings, said: “Thank you to Unite Legal Services for their support. I would highly recommend them.”