Ian T's Story
I was referred to specialist personal injury solicitors through my membership with Unite the Union. I found the process simple and problem free throughout.
Ian works as a machine operator for Mahle Engine Systems.
On 13 May 2022, he was working on the SIC Line, where he removed scraps of metal from the coil. To do this, Ian used a piece of equipment called a ‘nibbler’ to cut the coil.
As Ian was cutting the coil, it sprung back and caught him on his left thigh, causing a deep laceration.
Ian contacted Unite Legal Services who put him in touch with a specialist personal injury solicitor to discuss his case and proceed with a claim on his behalf.
Liability was admitted by Ian’s employer and Unite Legal Services gathered the necessary medical records and instructed a medical expert to prepare a report on Ian’s injuries.
The instructed expert was of the opinion that Ian had suffered a full thickness, open wound to his left thigh. As a result of the injury, Ian would be left with permanent scarring.
With Ian’s instructions, his solicitors entered into settlement discussions with the insurers and an initial offer of £6,500 was made.
After receiving legal advice, Ian rejected that offer until a settlement was eventually agreed for £8,000.
Ian was delighted with the result. He said: “I found the process simple and problem free throughout. Each step was simply explained and the communication with both the solicitor and the consultant were excellent. All led to a happy resolution of my case.”