
Unite condemns government’s post-Brexit plans to attack workers’ rights

Commenting on reports that the government is drawing up post-Brexit plans to rip up worker’s rights enshrined in EU law, Unite general secretary, Len McCluskey, said: 

"There is immense loss, sadness and uncertainty in our country just now. No decent government would pick this moment to launch an attack on the rights of its citizens.

"The people who have kept this country fed, safe and supported under unimaginable pressures deserve so much better than to be threatened with the loss of their basic rights.

"This is a huge mistake by this government. This country has a proud history of standing up for rights, freedom and decency.  

"In our time of need, it has been working people who have stepped up and kept this country safe and supported. The vulnerable and low waged have paid the highest price in this pandemic. Respect these workers - do not take away their basic rights.”